Invited Speakers (confirmed)

Plenary lecture

Ben Feringa, RU Groningen, NL

Public lecture

Uwe Meierhenrich, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, FR
(w/ simultaneous translation into Italian)

David Amabilino, University of Nottingham, UK

Narcis Avarvari, Université Angers, FR

Robert Berger, Universität Marburg, DE

Steven De Feyter, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE

Peer Fischer, Max-Planck-Institut and University Stuttgart, DE

Matthew Fuchter, Imperial College London, UK

Andrew Gellman, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburg, USA

Bart Kahr, New York University, USA

Nathalie Katsonis, University of Twente, NL

Cornelia Meinert, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, FR

Christian Merten, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE

Ron Naaman, Weizmann Institute, IS

Wim Noorduin, AMOLF Amsterdam, NL

Irina Paci, University of Victoria, CAN

Roberto Purrello, Università degli studi Catania, IT

Kenso Soai, Tokyo University of Science, JP

Ivo Stary, Czech Academy of Sciences, CZ

Cristobal Viedma, Complutense University Madrid, ES

Silvia Vignolini, University of Cambridge, UK

David Walba, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Symposium Chirality @ The Nanoscale

October 13 - 17 2019

Congresso Stefano Franscini (CSF), Ascona, Switzerland


Chirality is omnipresent in the universe and in particular significant in the biomolecular world. But it also encompasses new materials and novel physical effects. Beyond the classical issues of molecular chirality, the conference will address materials science topics and new phenomena involving chirality, such as molecular machines, nanoparticles, organic electronics, liquid crystals, electron spin filtering and selective interactions with light.

There will be invited expert lectures covering recent advances in the field of chirality. Contributed papers providing the main forum for presentation of new work and for discussion of recent progress will be presented either as oral contribution or in poster sessions (the max. poster size is A0 portrait). The format is similar to that of Gordon Conferences with ample time for discussions. The number of participants is kept around 100 in order to guarantee active communication between all attendees.

We hope to see you in Ascona!

Download Announcement Poster

Abstract Italian

Aim of Conference

CSF Award


Local organizing committee

Karl-Heinz Ernst (chair), Empa & U Zurich, CH
Thomas Bürgi, UNIGE, Genève, CH
Magali Lingenfelder, EPFL, Lausanne, CH
Christine Tran, Empa, CH


International Advisory Board

David Amabilino, U Nottingham, UK
Steven De Feyter, KU Leuven, BE
Rasmita Raval, U Liverpool, UK







You can download the tentative program here.